September marks a time of transition and new beginnings. For individuals and families dealing with substance use disorder, this month can be a huge opportunity to focus on growth, healing, and embracing the journey of recovery. We can celebrate even if there is not complete abstinence. In this blog post, we will explore how to utilize the ITC (Invitation to Change) and SMART Recovery Family & Friends Approach to nurture growth and healing during September.
Reflect on Progress
Encourage reflection on the progress made in the recovery journey, no mater how tiny. Do this even if your Loved One is not on the Recovery Journey or not doing Recovery the way you want it or think it can or might be done. Discuss the positive changes and milestones achieved, highlighting the strength and resilience demonstrated. This reflection helps build motivation and reinforces the commitment to continued growth. This acknowledgement lets your Loved see that you are seeing the changes taking place or being tried. This holds true even if it is tiny steps. Tiny is still something. Something is better then nothing. I always say take out your magnify glass and look for the changes. Really look.
Set New Goals
Work together to set new goals for the upcoming months. THEY DO NOT HAVE TO BE RECOVERY FOCUSED. I highly encourage you to not focus on Recovery if your Loved One is not on that path at this current moment in time. These goals can be related to personal growth, relationships, career, or hobbies. Encourage your loved one to identify areas they would like to focus on and then support them in creating a plan to achieve these goals.
Cassandra Tip: For personal growth it does not have to be taking a class or fixing everything at once, it could be focusing on, not cursing so much or just saying the word “shit” and no other curse word. Maybe doing this for 3 months then revisiting it.
Explore Support Systems
Discuss the importance of support systems whether in recovery or not. Encourage your loved one to connect with support groups, therapy, or other resources that align with their needs. Emphasize, in a pressure free kind way (I know that can be hard), the value of seeking support and the power of community in the healing process from what is bothering them in everyday life. Maybe it is questions about the recovery process or maybe questions for mental health.
Practice Self-Care
Highlight the significance of self-care in maintaining overall well-being. Discuss the importance of physical exercise, healthy eating, quality sleep, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation, like even playing Frisbee. Encourage your loved one to prioritize self-care as an essential part of their recovery journey and just a part of everyday day life.
Foster Healthy Relationships
Discuss the importance of surrounding oneself with positive and supportive relationships. Encourage open communication, empathy, and understanding within relationships. Explore ways to strengthen connections with loved ones and build a network of support. One way to build connection might be to play a game of Connect Four (yes that was intentional) once a month or a monthly FaceTime or Zoom Dinner together.
Cassandra Tip: make an appointment time with your Loved One and honor that time. If the time is from 6 to 7, no matter what get off the meeting at 7, even when the meeting is going excellent. This encourages another meeting because there is no obligation to have to stay on past the agreed time. This totally takes the pressure off.
Address Triggers and Cravings
Acknowledge that triggers and cravings may still arise during the recovery process. That Triggers and Carvings are a very normal occurrence that happens. Discuss strategies for managing and coping with these challenges and feelings. Encourage your loved one to utilize the skills and tools they have learned to navigate these situations successfully. Please be opened minded here. It is way better that your Loved One is talking about them rather then indulging in them. That is a tremendous win. This too might feel uncomfortable to you and that is quite all right.
Celebrate Sobriety
Take time to celebrate milestones and anniversaries of sobriety in a way that honors your Loved One. Acknowledge the strength and commitment it takes to maintain sobriety and express pride in the progress made. Celebrations can be personal or shared with loved ones, reinforcing the importance of ongoing recovery. ASK for permission if your Loved One wants that news of Sobriety shared. A lot of the times they do not. Again, very normal. Please honor that at this time. Another tip: Celebration can be going for a walk around your Loved Ones favorite Pond. Or just making a phone call acknowledging this extraordinary win.
Embrace Gratitude
Encourage the practice of gratitude as a way to cultivate a positive mindset. Discuss the benefits of focusing on the present moment and expressing gratitude for the progress made, supportive relationships, and the opportunities for growth and healing. It could be as simple as setting a timer to think of 3 things you are grateful for to start.
September provides an opportunity to embrace growth and healing in the journey of recovery from substance use disorder or cutting down from Substances or just a fresh start to get on a plan. September often brings that mindset. The Getting back on track Mindset!!
Why not use that idea or knowledge to see things in a positive light. By utilizing the ITC and SMART Recovery Approach, you can nurture progress, set new goals, explore support systems, practice self-care, foster healthy relationships, address triggers and cravings, celebrate sobriety, celebrate cutting down on Behaviors or Substances, and celebrate healthier behaviors. If your Love Ones is not in sobriety at this time, embrace gratitude and all the other wins your Loved One brings to the table.
Remember, recovery is a continuous process, and with the support and commitment to change, individuals AND that includes us, can thrive and find fulfillment in their lives.
Ever think about a Coach to help with this process? Need additional guidance? Text me and lets set up an appointment!
Contact me at 516-984-3756 or click the button below.
Wishing you well always..
Peace, Love, & Tapping,
Cassandra Toppi